Bring back the glory of your most cherished possesions with sandblasting

Today is made of yesterday's best memories

Sandblasting and powder coating, the two-stage process to optimal coating performance


Travel to the past without taking a step back with sandblasting

It is inevitable to think that some of our most precious belongings are part of our heritage. There are things so powerful that we don't ever want to leave behind, well, sandblasting makes it possible.


The magic of sandblasting and powder coating 

Pitting is often found in these kinds of projects and nothing but powder coating is capable of filling those cavities and give you a full restoration.

Sandblasting, as mighty as the Tower Bridge, as gentle as a soft breeze

What makes sandblasting so special is that it has the potential to remove residues and prepare the surface of any kind of item without threatening its integrity.


Some things are worth leaving behind, for anything else, there is sandblasting

Who said it wasn't possible to bring those meaningful memories from your childhood, your town, and your family into the present didn't know anything about sandblasting.

There is a way to live in the present without leaving the past behind